
Hello, my name is Jesús Machado. As a child, more than sixty years ago, I made up my mind to learn a musical instrument on my own, and I started a path that finally led me to achieve this goal; for this reason I am certain that, with perseverance, anyone can learn an instrument.

In these pages I present information that I consider can be very useful in your musical studies and learning of instruments. I generated some of this information after years of reflection, and it was extremely useful to me. My experience of more than thirty years in the teaching of electronic engineering makes me think that it can also be useful for you.

We live in a wonderful time in which the Internet is a great aid to learning. You can learn a musical instrument in the company of extraordinary and generous people who will be of great help.

Remember that this site is the product of a self-taught person, so some of the other sites that I recommend may be more convenient in the beginning. However, once you get past the initiation stage, the material on these pages will help you progress.

I started this work at an advanced age, and I have been able to progress with the encouragement and support of my family, to whom I am very grateful:

My family

Best wishes that your musical learning will fill you, like me, with continuous enjoyment.

Sitios recomendados

The following are some websites that offer free material for those starting to study the ukulele: